In my time here I’ve learned many things while passing out food. While we are passing out food at schools I’ve noticed that some people complain about the quality/quantity of food that we are giving out. Some of the things we usually hear are “people are always cutting in line” or “you guys need to be more organized” the more this happens the more it makes me realize how often as Christians we do the same thing to God. Instead of saying thank-you for all God gives us we complain about the things we don’t have. I know for me…
God has really been rocking my socks and blessing me a lot. I have been experiencing the Holy Spirit like never before. I experience Him most when I am in quiet prayer or communal worship or prayer. The best feeling in the world is God’s touch. I want to fully know through experience what it means to walk in the Spirit while going about various physical tasks. This may sound weird but I think sometimes my mindset to help others actually hinders my ability to help. If I am focused on someone else and how I can best help them, I can only help them…
This last week I was in the car driving to help pick-up donations from Target, and we drove passed a little old woman that we see often. She has been on the streets for years. We often give her food when we see her and invite her to our food lines or worship gatherings. It always breaks my heart when I see her and I know it wounds the Lord deeper than me. As we came toward her, I saw a woman from a nearby house come out and bring her a sandwich and sit to talk with her on…
A couple of weeks ago at a Friday morning meeting, David had us stand for prayer if we wanted a new heart of passion. Some of the team had oil to anoint us and pray. As Jenny was praying for me, I believe that God spoke to me about teenagers. I believe He wants to use me to serve the teens that nobody cares about. I’m glad that God wants to use me for His kingdom. I want to be used by Him. -Elli WWAM Student, Germany
Exactly one year ago today my mother walked out on my dad after 23 years of marriage. If you would have known anything about my parents you would have never imagined my mother leaving. My mother was a professing Christian who always taught me how sacred the vow of marriage is. Because of what my mother did my view of marriage had been changed. Somehow I had gotten to this place where I thought all marriages would soon fail no matter how hard you tried, because eventually someone would decide that being married and taking a vow wasn’t really worth…
We just had a full week with 8 college students from Bryan College. It was interesting to see their reactions to all that we do and all who we serve. I was very encouraged to see how united and joyful they approached each task. I was filled with a new thanksgiving about where I am and the privilege it is to serve here. God has been giving me more and more peace as each day goes by. Not the type of peace that makes one complacent, but that kind of peace that leaves me free to love boldly for Jesus’…
A couple of weeks ago was the first time I went to a parking lot where City of Refuge has been serving which lets families stay in their cars overnight when they have no where else to go. We bring them food and spend time with them on Thursday nights, there I met a girl called Priscilla who lives in a small car with her mom, and every time since that I have gone we play checkers with her plastic travel kit. and every single game she beats me, without fail. And it’s not like I go…
God showed me that it’s not the circumstances that make me a christian or make me happy, it is the decision to be happy. Because the joy of the of the Lord is my strength. I am thankful for the people that God has put in my way when we distribute the food at the school or at the worship time on Saturdays. I pray that all these people feel Gods joy in me. Elli WWAM Student (Germany)
Every week we have a chance to work with the kids from the neighborhood and every week I’m amazed at the way the kids want to know more about Jesus. The Bible tells us to have faith like a child. I’ve always wondered what that means and now I know. It means believing with all your heart, trusting in God and God alone to fulfill your needs. It means not letting questions of “why?” and “how?” flood your mind but just accepting what the Bible tells us and loving Jesus with everything we have. -Savannah WWAM Student (Florida)
Everyone check out this blog from Jonathon one of our community members. He is planning a mission trip to Thailand.