My name is Jenny, I am 23 years old and I spent one year with City of Refuge from March 2015 until March 2016.
After a short visit to City of Refuge in March 2014 I went home to a job and an apartment, never thinking about moving for a longer period of time. But I did.
The most important thing I learned at City of Refuge is God’s heart and love for the poor.
I’ve been a Christian for a couple years and I’ve been reading the bible, but I’ve never paid attention to how much God wants us as Christians to take care of the poor and hungry.
It was very exciting to understand Gods heart for those that have nothing and at the same time being able to actually do something – which is exactly what God calls us to do.
Jesus came to save us and the more we look at Him and try to be like Him the more we want to save others. So it’s only obvious that working at City of Refuge feels like you’re doing, what you’re supposed to do! At least that’s how I felt.
Although I didn’t know the people we served when I first arrived, I had the privilege to become part of families and friendships that others had built for many years!
I absolutely loved the work and seeing people pour out their lives to serve and bless others, it is very encouraging!
Another thing I’ve learned is more personal and something God showed me about myself.
I’ve always hung out with kids but I never viewed “being good with kids“ as a talent. “Everybody is good with kids“ I often thought, so I never really thought of it as something special or something God wants me to do.
In my year helping out at Kids Club I realized how much I love being around the young ones, sharing stories & especially Jesus‘ love.
So now back in Germany I see the children’s work very different, I’m more encouraged to give them more attention and time and effort!
I am very grateful for that year, aside from things as I’ve known them, for all the friendships, for all the minutes spent with precious kids or serving people God loves so much.
Most of all I’m grateful for the things God showed me, how I know Him better now and how I understand what He wants me to do a little more than before.
I’d come back in a heartbeat!